Transylvania, 1897. The blood-drinking Count Dracula is drawing his plans against Victorian London. And be warned: the dead travel fast. Dracula 2020 tvseries download
Episode 1: 8 out of 10. Although a lot of liberties are taken with the source material of the novel as far as storyline, this retelling maintains the spirit of the novel almost more than any other adaptation done before. The underlying dread and dreariness and sense of horror are all present, and are almost a character in themselves. (Thankfully) missing are the all too typical over the top splashiness of modern vampire tales. This, like it’s source material is truly creepy. Dracula 2020 tvseries download
Dracula himself could not have been better cast; he embodies pure evil, and yet like the devil himself maintains charisma and seductiveness, which is a hard thing to pull off. I was fascinated with where they were going with the story, and the introduction of Dracula’s antagonist: a nun with a lot of vampire knowledge, and a psychological battle begins. Dracula 2020 tvseries download
Episode 2: 6 out of 10. We start off the episode feeling a little off kilter… did we just jump forward in time? I spent the episode waiting for a tie-in to where we left off in episode 1, trying to figure out how and when the story went on it’s rabbit trail, and why a certain pair of individuals were talking so cordially who were at odds when we last left them….(psychological game continues, but is getting tired sans explanation of what is going on).
Mostly gone is the delicious dread and slow-burn horror of episode 1, and instead it’s replaced by an almost Agatha Christie-esque flavor of who-done-it, (except we know who did it). There is bit of twist/explanation 30 minutes before the end, but it still leaves only confusion. Dracula 2020 tvseries download
Episode 3: 2 out of 10. What the heck? Everything completely derails, utter train wreck. Dracula in the modern world, storyline disseminates to the point of no return. Psycho babble no longer a smart play of foes, but becomes self-aware and self-indulgent. Ending is an utter letdown. Oh Dracula Act 1 you had so much promise!!! Yet here we are left in the excrement of what could have been greatness.