A gritty chronicle of the war against Colombia’s infamously violent and powerful drug cartels. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
Narcos is an intriguing and entertaining series. Netflix again done a very good job. Season 1 tells the true story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar‘s interactions with drug lords. This is a massive story.
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Escobar’s life has attracted my attention too. I watched many videos and read books about Escobar’s life. The show educates you on the Medellin Cartel and it is a very interesting topic to learn about. Pablo Escobar had much more influence on the political system than i would expected. This series has added a lot to me about it. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
Wagner Moura is an excellent actor and he learned Spanish just for the Pablo Escobar’s role. He was born for this role. The bilingual dialogue adds a new layer of authenticity to the project and shows it’s commitment with the original story. The long and often complicated story of Pablo Escobar is portrayed simple and effective for viewers not to get lost in what is going on. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
Congrats to Netflix for such a powerful, incredible production. I would recommend this show to all my friends and anyone looking for a great show to watch. This is one of the best shows I’ve seen in a while.
Incidentally, I saw an ad for Narcos on YouTube, and instead of skipping the ads like I normally do, I played this one out because I was genuinely excited for what I was watching. Instantly I jumped onto Netflix and I was not disappointed. This is a truly gripping show, one of the best I’ve seen this year. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
The characters and acting are done well and the storyline moves at a fast enough pace to get your adrenalin pumping for the whole episode. My only fear was that it would be too generic of a Crime drama, but those feelings were quickly swept away. This is truly an original and thoroughly planned out TV show with a whole lot of heart. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap
Maybe the best on Netflix at the moment. Narcos doesn’t disappoint with any aspect of the show. It’s exciting and fast paced, but above all, it makes you want to keep coming back for more.
Alright so, when it comes to drug related TV Shows which almost always include the DEA, the first thing that comes to mind is Breaking Bad and The Wire.
Needless to say, while preparing to start up the pilot, I continuously tried to imagine how can this series give us something original or even something that will make us say “Hey, this isn’t a cheap knock off of something.” Well. I was profoundly surprised. Netflix has done it again. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
They managed to present the show in a way that includes every positive aspect of the two aforementioned series. It has the darkness of Breaking Bad, the intensity and the smart writing while also maintaining the thoroughness of The Wire in the sense that we get to see both sides of the drug trade, the clichés and even the everyday life that surrounds it. Narcos tvseries download toxicwap.
The narrative style also gives it a different aspect which helps the viewer engage in a more positive way. The cast seems to be very specifically chosen since the roles don’t even make you question the legitimacy of the actors. Download movies from movies for free
I would say that this looks promising although I am yet to finish the series to be able to give my final word.
Definitely a series you should watch if you are into this kind of thing.
Kudos again, Netflix.
Nice one
Narcos is awesome to me
It’s fantastic