Titans is a good TV Series to watch in which a team of young superheroes led by Nightwing (formerly Batman’s first Robin) form to fight evil. Titans TV Series Download All Episodes from O2tvseries.
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Titans revolves around young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise.
Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special young girl possessed by strange darkness, get caught up in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Joining them along the way are the hot-headed Starfire and lovable Beast Boy in the series. Together they become a surrogate family and team of heroes in Titans.
The series has a quite dark atmosphere. It could have been better if the dark atmosphere was a little bit less. The story can be said to be chaos with one word. You can easily guess how the story will progress. It’s easy to combine the pieces and there’s not enough factor to keep the audience alive for 50 minutes. Only things that Robin lived with Batman are attractive. The balance between the occasional jokes and the scenes where the heads are blown out is well established.
Dick Grayson got tired of Batman and his teachings and started to work as a detective in Detroit. We see Dick has lost control while trying to get out shadow of Batman. This incredibly darkened character almost beats people to death and cannot stop himself. Titans TV Series Download All Episodes from O2tvseries.
The most successful character of the series, and of course Brenton Thwaites, who plays the character in this success, has a great role. The character on which the series is based is Raven, as anyone who knows a little about the stories of Titans can guess. Titans TV Series Download All Episodes from O2tvseries.
It’s a tasteful to watch Raven. Starfire is an overdone character. I think they wanted the character to look cool, but it was too much for me. Beast Boy’s well-known joke and funny are well used. It is successful in scenes where the character turned into tiger. And the CGI wasn’t bad either. It is also possible to see the characters from the upcoming Doom Patrol series. And I liked Jason Todd, the new Robin. All the characters in the series are in a pretty good condition, despite some of the cons.
DC has done a good job and has been a promising series for future DC productions. Watch this series if you’re someone who likes superhero stories. IMDB Rating of this TV Series is around 7.7.